Modi norse mythology

Modi in Norse Mythology: Embodiment of Strength and Survival

Modi is one of Thor’s sons, and his Mother is the giantess Jarnsaxa. Like his father, he embodies strength and bravery. Modi is famous for his prophesied survival of Ragnarok, the end-of-the-world scenario in Norse myth, where he is expected to inherit his father’s mighty hammer, Mjolnir, symbolizing the continuation of Thor’s legacy.

ParentsThor and Jarnsaxa
PartnersNot Applicable
ChildrenNot Applicable
NicknamesNot Applicable

Who is Modi


Modi means “brave” or “furious one,” reflecting his warrior nature. This etymology sets the stage for understanding Modi’s character and contributions to Norse mythology.

Lineage and Characteristics

Modi is known for his extraordinary strength and courage, inherited from his divine father, Thor, the god of thunder, and his giantess mother, Jarnsaxa. Unlike his siblings, Modi shares a respectful and courageous relationship with his brother Magni, especially during their adventures and battles. Together, they display valor and bravery that reflect their father’s traits.

Modi in the Myths

Modi isn’t featured in many stories, but he plays a crucial role in the aftermath of Ragnarok, where he inherits Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, marking his importance in the following new world.

The Role of Modi in Ragnarok

Modi is a significant figure in Norse mythology due to his survival of Ragnarok. This apocalyptic event leads to the destruction of the known world and the gods. Modi is the son of Thor, and after Ragnarok, he inherits Mjolnir, Thor’s legendary hammer. This inheritance symbolizes the passing of strength and the warrior spirit from Thor to Modi. It also indicates that Modi will play a crucial role in the new world that emerges from the ashes of the old.

The Prose Edda, a primary source for Norse myths, mentions explicitly: 

“Móði and Magni shall have Mjollnir after the Ragnarok.” 

This line is significant because it directly links Modi to the aftermath of Ragnarok, underscoring his importance in the continuity and renewal of the world. The inheritance of Mjolnir is not just about the physical hammer but also what it represents:

  • The enduring power of the gods.
  • The resilience in the face of destruction.
  • The hope for a reborn world.

Modi and his brother Magni embody the future of divine strength and the promise of restoration after Ragnarok’s cataclysmic events.

Modi’s Legacy and Influence

Archaeological and Historical Evidence

There is little to no evidence of worship or reverence for Modi. Still, his presence in the mythological texts suggests an underlying respect for the qualities he represents. His legacy, therefore, is more conceptual and tied to the values of strength and resilience in Norse culture.

Influence on Modern Media

Modi’s character has been adapted in various forms of modern media, from literature to video games and movies. These adaptations highlight his strength and heroic qualities, bringing Norse mythology to contemporary audiences.

  1. Literature: In fantasy literature that draws upon Norse mythology, characters inspired by Modi might be depicted as warriors of great strength, often involved in stories of renewal or battling against the odds. While direct references to Modi are uncommon, his mighty, resilient warrior archetype can be seen in characters who embody similar traits.
  2. Video Games: Norse mythology has become a popular backdrop for video games. Games like “God of War” (2018) explore Norse myths, focusing on the tales of gods and their children. While Modi may not be a character in many games, the themes of Ragnarok and the legacy of Thor’s family are explored. Characters with roles similar to Modi’s—those of inheritors of a powerful legacy—can be found.
  3. Comics: In Marvel Comics, Modi Thorson has appeared in storylines that diverge from traditional Norse myths, creating a unique narrative space for these characters. For example, Modi has been portrayed as a character in the “Thor: Son of Asgard” series, among others, where the complexities of Thor’s family and the destinies of his children are explored. These adaptations often take creative liberties with the source material, providing new dimensions to the characters and their stories.


Modi’s significance in Norse mythology extends beyond his divine heritage and mythological deeds. He embodies the enduring themes of strength, bravery, and renewal, reflecting the values and beliefs of the Norse people. Studying figures like Modi offers valuable insights into the cultural and historical contexts of Norse mythology, highlighting its continued relevance and appeal.