Magni norse mythology

Magni in Norse Mythology: The Mighty Son of Thor

Magni is the son of Thor and Jarnsaxa. Heis is also known for his extraordinary strength, surpassing his father’s. He plays a significant role in the myths. His Brother, Modi, and he are mainly famous for surviving Ragnarok, the end of the world in Norse mythology. They inherit his father’s mighty hammer, Mjolnir. This symbolizes the continuation of strength and protection in the new world.

ParentsThor and Jarnsaxa
PartnersNot mentioned
SiblingsModi, Thrud
ChildrenNot mentioned
NicknamesNot mentioned

Who is Magni


Magni, derived from Old Norse for “mighty” or “strong,” perfectly encapsulates the god’s essence. His very name signifies the unparalleled strength and fortitude that Magni is renowned for in Norse mythology.

Lineage and Characteristics

Magni has an illustrious lineage, being the son of Thor and Jarnsaxa. He is a combination of both divine and giant bloodlines. He has always been known for his incredible strength, surpassing his father’s in some tales. His brother, Modi, is often depicted alongside him in mythology, symbolizing the continuation of Thor’s legacy.

Magni in the Myths

Magni Lifting the leg of the Giant Hrungnir.

One notable myth involves Magni saving his father from beneath the leg of the fallen giant Hrungnir, showcasing his incredible strength at just three days old. 

The Tale goes as follows.

After a duel between Thor and the giant Hrungnir, Thor emerges victorious. Still, he finds himself pinned under the giant’s massive leg. The gods attempt to free Thor but cannot move Hrungnir’s leg. Magni, who is only three nights old then, arrives at the scene and effortlessly lifts the leg off his father. Impressed by his son’s strength, Thor rewards Magni with Hrungnir’s horse, Gullfaxi, acknowledging that no child stronger than Magni will ever be born. This act showcases Magni’s strength and importance among the gods, even at a tender age.

Specific Quotes

The Prose Edda recounts this Tale in the Skáldskaparmál, where it states:

“Magni, the son of Thor and Járnsaxa, who was then only three nights old, came and lifted the leg of Hrungnir off his father, and then Thor got up and welcomed his son, saying that he would become great. ‘And I will give you,’ he said, ‘the horse Gullfaxi which Hrungnir owned.'”

This quote encapsulates the essence of the myth, highlighting Magni’s remarkable deed and Thor’s acknowledgment of his son’s unparalleled strength. It’s a testament to Magni’s role in the Norse mythological canon as a symbol of strength and resilience, traits he inherits from his father but also uniquely embodies. The Tale is a pivotal moment in the mythology, underlining the extraordinary capabilities of the gods and their offspring.

The Role of Magni in Ragnarok

One of the critical aspects of Magni’s role post-Ragnarok is his and his brother’s inheritance of Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer. This powerful weapon, symbolizing protection and strength, is passed down to Magni and Modi, signifying their important roles in the reborn world. Mjolnir’s inheritance is not just a transfer of a weapon but a symbol of the continuity of the divine power and protection that Thor represented.

Magni’s Legacy

Magni’s portrayal as a figure of immense strength and courage continues to inspire. While his legacy is rooted in ancient myths, it resonates with modern audiences, reflecting the timeless appeal of Norse mythology.

Video Games:

  • God of War (2018): Magni appears as a character alongside his brother Modi. In this portrayal, he is one of the antagonists Kratos and his son Atreus encounter. The game depicts Magni as a formidable warrior, showcasing his strength and combat skills, reflecting his mythological roots as the son of Thor.


  • While direct references to Magni in recent literature are less common, his influence permeates through fantasy genres that draw inspiration from Norse mythology. Characters inspired by Magni’s traits of strength and resilience are a testament to his lasting impact.


  • Marvel Comics: Within the Marvel Universe, Magni has appeared in storylines involving Asgard and its pantheon of gods. Though not as central as Thor, his presence in these narratives contributes to the rich tapestry of Norse mythological characters adapted for modern audiences.

Tabletop Games:

  • Myths and Legends: In various tabletop RPGs that draw upon Norse mythology for their setting and character pantheon, Magni is often a deity or heroic figure embodying strength and courage. These games allow players to engage with Magni’s legacy in an interactive format.


Magni’s significance within Norse mythology extends beyond his extraordinary strength. As the son of Thor, his stories and attributes reflect the enduring themes of courage, resilience, and triumph over adversity. Magni’s legacy, preserved through myths and modern reinterpretations, continues to captivate and inspire, underscoring the profound impact of Norse mythology on our understanding of cultural values and historical perspectives.